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Welcome to the JB Auto Sales Website! My name is Josh Brooks, owner of JB Auto Sales and I want to welcome you to our website where you can feel free to browse our inventory 24/7 from your desktop or mobile phone. We have some of the best in Quality Cars, Trucks, SUVs & Vans in the Tri-State area. All of our vehicles are serviced and ready for the road. We also sell new and used trailers, come visit us for all of your trailer needs! We offer utility trailers, dump trailers, car trailers enclosed trailers and more! And if we don't have what you're looking for, let us know and we'll get it. So please feel free to continue visiting our website and we hope to see you soon! Stop on in, grab a cup of coffee and check out our deals! We are proud members of the South Dakota Independent Auto Dealers Association & National Independent Auto Dealers Association.

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Note: Prices and Estimated Payments do not include sales tax, license fee, documentation and any dealer accessories. We make every attempt to keep posted prices and vehicle information accurate and up to date. In the event that inaccuracies may occur, we reserve the right to modify and make corrections in a timely manner. All prices are subject to this correction policy and are a part of the terms of use of this Web site.